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Barranco de la Lechucilla

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Interesting place en Vega de San Mateo (Zone)

Barranco de la Lechucilla

About Barranco de la Lechucilla

The Lechucilla is a hamlet of about 300 inhabitants that is part of Vega de San Mateo, located in the ravine to which it gives its name. The Barranco de la Lechucilla houses the Risco Campanario, whose dividing line is the border between the municipalities of San Mateo and Valsequillo Los Rosquetes this name is due to small geological rocks that protrude from the relief and form an unparalleled postcard environment.

According to some studies La Lechucilla is a more or less modern settlement that was already documented in the 18th century. The ravine of the Lechucilla houses the Mountain of the Braves and close to it is also La Caldereta, which is a boiler of small dimensions in the mountain of picón, which is the name given to the volcanic sand on the island.

The Barranco de la Lechucilla also houses the dam of the Guiniguada, it also has a bridge where according to some writings it is said that the first incident of the Civil War in Vega de San Mateo. It was during the construction of the bridge, called Puente el Caldero, they refused to work and the Civil Guard arrested them.

The ravine also has a recreational area with barbecues and tables where you can spend a wonderful picnic.

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