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Camino La Josefa

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Camino La Josefa

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4 routes close to Camino La Josefa

Lugares abandonados en Gran Canaria
65 km

Places that seem enchanted, that keep stories that feed on legend and reality, places that are surrounded by a halo of mystery in Gran Canarias

Casas de la Cultura en Islas Canarias
3.479 km

The houses of the culture of the populations are places where the inhabitants and visitors can soak up the popular culture and the idiosyncrasies of the area, with this route you can know some of those found in the Canarian archipelago.

Avistamiento de OVNIS en Canarias
726 km

The Canarian archipelago has become a point of reference for lovers of the UFO phenomenon, many are the articles in which the ufological interest of the Canaries is mentioned. On this route, a tour is made of a list of places where some witnesses claim to have spotted an unidentified flying object. In a way, in my visits I have been able to notice an energy different from those of other points. It did not leave me indifferent

Gran Canaria en un día en coche
143 km

Travel by car through the island of Gran Canaria and its main tourist visits. The ideal is to use two days in it; however, if we do not stop too long in each place, we could do it in a full day, leaving very early.

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