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Laguna de Valleseco

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Interesting place en Valleseco (Zone)

Laguna de Valleseco

About Laguna de Valleseco

Located in the heart of Parque Rural de Doramas, the largest protected natural area on the islands, is the Laguna de Valleseco, a recreational area within the municipal area of the population of Valleseco. The curious thing about the Laguna de Valleseco is that it is located inside a volcanic caldera covered by a luxuriant autochthonous vegetation.

The Laguna de Valleseco as a recreational area is with everything you need to spend a great day, has fireplaces, jets of water, tables in the shade of chestnut trees where you can do picnic.

In addition to the recreational area, the Laguna de Valleseco has another very interesting point, one of the few hippodromes in the archipelago where horse races are held in summer and during festivals. There is also under the Pico Osorio a shelter or the classroom of the Laurisilva from where nature activities are organized, such as hiking trails, environmental education workshops, traditional games, zip lines and many other activities.

In the Laguna it is also possible to find ducks in their habitat and of course several species of laurisilvas. In addition to migratory birds such as pochas, common herons, herons, capirotes, blackbirds, common finches and many other species. A perfect place to unwind and enjoy nature.


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2 routes close to Laguna de Valleseco

Gran Canaria en un día en coche
143 km

Travel by car through the island of Gran Canaria and its main tourist visits. The ideal is to use two days in it; however, if we do not stop too long in each place, we could do it in a full day, leaving very early.

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