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Los Charcones

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Beaches en Yaiza (Zone)

Los Charcones

About Los Charcones

Los Charcones are a series of natural pools that are close to Playa Blanca, south of Lanzarote. In reality, they are small lagoons left by the sea, with different depths and sizes and used for natural baths.

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Nearby places to Los Charcones

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4 routes close to Los Charcones

Playas Nudistas de Las Islas Canarias
1.195 km

This Route is a trip through some of the nudist or naturalist beaches that can be found in the Canary Islands

Casas de la Cultura en Islas Canarias
3.479 km

The houses of the culture of the populations are places where the inhabitants and visitors can soak up the popular culture and the idiosyncrasies of the area, with this route you can know some of those found in the Canarian archipelago.

Piscinas naturales en Canarias
708 km

The Atlantic leaves frequent lagoons in the Canarian coast forming authentic natural pools, ideal to bathe in calm waters next to a generally rough sea. These are the main natural pools that are scattered around the Canary Islands.

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