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Museo Etnografico Tanit
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Museo Etnografico Tanit

About Museo Etnografico Tanit

Located in the heart of the island of Lanzarote, in the municipality of San Bartolomé is the Museo Etnográfico Tanit. It is worth mentioning that San Bartolomé was one of the first villages to be established in Lanzarote, so it has a wide and interesting history. To show what life was like in Lanzarote, this museum was created to review the uses and customs of the inhabitants. In the Museum you can see one of the first wineries that were installed on the island in addition to an old mansion of the eighteenth century.

The Ethnological Museum Tanit aims to preserve and show the ethnographic heritage, and also aims to develop an extensive cultural work with activities to enrich and spread the idiosyncrasy of Lanzarote.

The museum has even received awards such as the Center for Tourist and Cultural Interest of the Cabildo of Lanzarote. When you go through the museum's facilities, the history of the inhabitants of Lanzarote and its folklore can be seen, you can learn about the uses, customs, idols of that time, tools and utensils, elements everyday as well as clothing and many other gadgets that show how ingenious were the inhabitants to fight and survive the wind, dryness and volcanoes of the island. All this in a warehouse with more than 300 years old

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