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Route por Tenerife


5 km

Author of the route:

Profile image of Viajero.d59e Viajero.d59e 1

Country / countries: ESPAÑA

Destination(s): Tenerife

Zone(s): Isla Baja, Tenerife, Icod de los Vinos

Places of interest: Garachico, Drago Milenario

Length of the route: 5 km

Last update: 23 September 2018

Zone en Tenerife

Garachico is one of the most beautiful municipalities in Tenerife. Located in the northwest part of the island, its particular orography is what

Interesting place en Icod de los Vinos
Drago Milenario

Icod de los Vinos has one of the best-known points of interest in the Canarian Archipelago, one of the most proud elements on the island of Tenerife, is the well-known Drago Milenario. The Millenary Drago is an imposing dragon tree, a living National Monument that is located in the park of

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