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Tagoror del Gallego

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Places of interest en Santa María de Guía (Zone)

Tagoror del Gallego

About Tagoror del Gallego

Tagoror del Gallego is one of the most popular sites in Gran Canaria, it is in the town of Santa María de Guía on the top of the mountain of the same name. The Tagoror consists of 6 seats excavated in the rock and with the same height, in front of these seats there is also a platform delimited by stones.

The name by which the Togoror is known is believed to be because they were lands that belonged to Gonzalo Gallego in 1513. These seats or thrones located at the top of the Cenobio de Valerón excavated in the earth is surrounded by what could be a kind of stands, some experts believe that the Tagoror del Gallego was a kind of council where justice was administered. It is possible that Diego de Silva was judged in this place, Silva was a Portuguese conqueror who was spared his life on the condition of not trying to conquer again.

The Tagoror del Gallego was declared Zona Arqueológica in 1993. The whole environment is dotted with sites that show the importance of the population settlement of the Canarian aborigines .

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