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Street guide en Valle Gran Rey (Zone)


Hamlets and villages

About Taguluche

Another of the villages of La Gomera that keep very well the passage of time is the Caserío de Taguluche. This population nucleus is located within the municipality of Valle Gran Rey, and is notable for conserving and enhancing the typical Canarian architecture and is located in a valley that is accessed through the town of Vallehermoso

It is highly recommended to go up to the heights to see the beauty that flirts Taguluche, it is necessary to go up to Mirador del Santo from which You can see the situation of the houses in the valley, surrounded by plots for cultivation.

The small hermitage, pride of the inhabitants of Taguluche and built in stone of Arure, should be noted. The majestic palm grove, one of the most important of the Canarian archipelago, will be very interesting because it has been declared a Site of Community Interest by the European Union.

The vertical rocky slopes that surround Taguluche further enhance its beauty, and where the terraces created by the hand of man for crops are perfectly seen, lands watered by the waters that They are born from the springs.

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Nearby places to Taguluche

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3 routes close to Taguluche

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The Atlantic leaves frequent lagoons in the Canarian coast forming authentic natural pools, ideal to bathe in calm waters next to a generally rough sea. These are the main natural pools that are scattered around the Canary Islands.

Dónde comer en La Gomera
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Some of the best restaurants in La Gomera. Selection of places to eat, of different prices and cuisines: Canarian food, pizzerias, Moroccan or modern.

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