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La Victoria de Acentejo

Located north of the island of Tenerife, the Victoria de Acentejo is a historic town whose name it owes to the conquest of the island by the Castilian troops. It was here that Fernández de Lugo celebrated the victory over the Guanches and even in the central plaza the centenary pine tree is still preserved where the first Catholic bell was hung in Tenerife.

If in your surroundings you can enjoy the landscapes seen from the Costa de Acentejo, inside the town it is advisable to visit the Plaza Rodríguez Lara Our Lady of Victory, from the sixteenth century whose back is the aforementioned centenary pine tree. They are also worth visiting the Ermita de Santo Domingo and the ex-convent, the Ermita de San Juan or the Virgen del Cobre.


Places of interest

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Explore La Victoria de Acentejo

1 route proposal in La Victoria de Acentejo

Route by Cañadas del Teide, Tenerife, La Orotava and more
En coche por el Parque del Teide
46 km

Route by car through the Teide National Park entering through the northern part towards the Ortuño viewpoint, and leaving to the southwest by the Mountain of Sámara.

2Events near La Victoria de Acentejo
