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Puerto Santiago

Puerto Santiago is a town located on the coast of Tenerife and belonging to the municipality of Santiago del Teide whose main tourist attraction lies in the exceptions that it has of the natural monument of the Cliff of the Giants.

Precisely it is in Puerto Santiago where two of these viewpoints are located, from where you can also have views of the island of La Gomera. Its proximity to Los Gigantes has facilitated, in addition, that its hotel offer has grown in recent years.


Places of interest

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Explore Puerto Santiago

2 routes proposals in Puerto Santiago

Route by Puerto Santiago, Santiago del Teide and Tenerife
Sur Tenerife
24 km

Route by Los Realejos, Tenerife, San Cristóbal de la Laguna and more
Ruta de los dragos
395 km

The dragon tree is one of the symbols of the Canarian archipelago, it was considered a magical and sacred element for the ancient aborigines of the islands, with this route you can get to know some of the most outstanding of the island of Tenerife.
