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Ermita de San Marcos

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Places of interest en Tuineje (Zone)

Ermita de San Marcos

Places of Worship
Historical buildings

About Ermita de San Marcos

The San Marcos Evangelista hermitage is located in Tiscamanita in the town of Tuinaje in Isla de Fueteventura As they happened with other religious constructions of the island, this one began under initiative of the own neighbors who demanded a place to realize their prayers. In principle it was a small chapel of modest dimensions and great simplicity.

The hermitage of San Marcos Evangelista consists of a single nave with three gables and tiles. To access the recito has 2 doors, the first of them on the main facade while the second is located on the south side, both have the characteristic that are topped by arches.

It also has 2 catwalks made in light colored stone, one of them located on the side of the gospel of rectangular shape, the second is smaller, they are located on the side of the Epistle.

Around the hermitage there is a crenellated wall with two bays that face towards the doors of the hermitage. Noteworthy is the San Marcos altarpiece, recently restored, and presided over by a carved image of Santo Domingo.

From here on the eve of the day of the Immaculate the Salida del Rancho, which is the brotherhood that was founded in 1800 and has the name of Brotherhood of Souls.

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1 route close to Ermita de San Marcos

Casas de la Cultura en Islas Canarias
3.479 km

The houses of the culture of the populations are places where the inhabitants and visitors can soak up the popular culture and the idiosyncrasies of the area, with this route you can know some of those found in the Canarian archipelago.

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