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Did you have any questions while browsing ItineraryBox? If so, check first below if we answer your question.

If you can not find an answer to your questions, write to info@itinerarybox.com and we will solve it for you.

It's very simple. In the right corner you will see the option «Log in» . Click on it and a screen will open for you, either write your user passwords (if you are already registered) or you will be discharged the first time. You will see that on this screen there is a text that asks you «Do not have an account in ItineraryBox yet?» . Follow their instructions, and that's it.

However, you have an even easier method: also in the top navigation menu you will see a button that says "Register" . Click on it and follow the steps.

They refer to the main tourist destinations in each area, which, depending on the country, or region, may coincide with states, provinces or islands. For example, in the case of the Canary Islands, we consider "Destinations" to each of the seven main islands that make up the archipelago.

You have several ways:

  1. On the main screen you will see different tourist destinations. In each of them there are hundreds of places, classified by municipalities and other prominent sites. It is in each of them where you will find different places, from monuments to restaurants or hotels or local shops.
  2. You can also access these places through the top menu, within the «Destinations» drop-down menu.
  3. Making use of the suggestion. In the top menu you will see that there is a small magnifying glass. That is our search engine, which in our case is a suggestor because as you write what you are looking for you will be "suggesting" places.
  4. Finally, you have a direct way to find the site you are looking for : in the top menu, in the drop-down menu of «Destinations» , you will see a section in red: "Search for places" . Simply, click, and it will take you to our search engine, where you can filter your search by categories (for example, "Restaurants", "Stores" or "Natural spaces"), and by types of categories within them (for example "International cuisine"). "," Italian "or" Fast food ", within the category" Restaurant ").

Do you know a place that is not in ItineraryBox and you want to create it? You can do it through the top menu «Destinations» . When you click on it, you will see that there is a «Create a place» option in its drop-down menu. You just have to follow the indications of that menu.

Sometimes it is necessary that the newly created place be reviewed and approved by an administrator. The final idea is that all content present on the web is as close to reality as possible and of quality.

The newly created place may have been revised. If the place reviewed does not meet the requirements necessary for it to be public, the karma points will not be counted.

In "Routes" you will find routes or lists of places with some characteristic in common. These routes or lists have been created by other users. You can find from "The best pizzerias of ..." to "What to visit in ...", passing through "Farmacias de Guardia en ...", to give some examples, but also, of course, hiking routes, or routes tourism that highlights tourist spots that want to see.

You only have to enter the top menu, in the option «My routes». There you have the «Create your first route» button.

You also have the option "Go to the scheduler" in the same menu, which is an administrator with which you can not only also Create a route but also manage the ones you have already created.

First, you must be registered. When you have started the session with your passwords, you will be able to see your profile in the upper right part of the web. By clicking on the profile picture, a drop-down will open in which you will find the option you want: «My profile».

It's very simple. Once you have entered your profile you will see that under the profile picture, and your name, a button appears: «Modify profile» . You just have to press it and make the changes you think necessary.

In the profile you also have the possibility to configure yourself which data you want to be private and which ones you do not.

The easiest and most direct way is to write to our contact email, info@itinerarybox.com

We do this community together, so any suggestions you make will be welcome and we will study it.

The "events" are the different cultural, musical, sports activities, etc. which are held at a specific time in each of the destinations. Events are considered exhibitions, concerts, musicals, sports competitions, conferences or local festivals, for example.

At the top, in the menu, you have the option to access the events that are being held. You just have to click either on a specific destination, or on «Search for events» and you will be displayed all of them at any time. You can filter the search by specific places (for example, a theater), by date or by type of event.

Yes. If you are the owner of a place where an event is going to be held, you can write to info@itinerarybox.com and ask us for the authorization to manage the file of your place. Once authorized you can create events in that place. You will see it in your profile, and also in the top menu within the "Events" drop-down, where you will already see the option of «Create events» .

Yes. If you are the owner of a business that appears in ItineraryBox , you can ask us to give you access to your local page so that you can manage the data that appears there, both content, photos, and answer to the comments that leave you. If you manage it yourself you can achieve greater visibility.

You have more information by entering here in our Business Center .