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Iglesia de San Juan Bautista

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Places of interest en Puntallana (Zone)

Iglesia de San Juan Bautista

About Iglesia de San Juan Bautista

Located in the historic center of the town of Puntallana is the Church of San Juan Bautista. The Church has a cross-shaped plan and dates from the 16th century. Among the highlights of the temple of San Juan Bautista must be mentioned the baroque altarpiece of gilt wood that supports the San Patron, a flamenco carving that dates back to the 16th century. Among other images found is the patron's own, Juan Bautista, which reached Puntallana from Valencia, or the figure of Santiago Apóstol that It is the equestrian image of the oldest saint of the Canarian archipelago.

The altarpiece that is in the parish is from the 18th century and in the Baroque style and is one of the treasures that the church keeps. Another of these treasures is the green baptismal font made of Sevillian glazed clay from the 16th century.

Near to the church of San Juan Bautista are other landmarks of the town of Puntallana, the House of Culture, the illustrious Town Hall of the town and the square of the same name as the temple.

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2 routes close to Iglesia de San Juan Bautista

Casas de la Cultura en Islas Canarias
3.479 km

The houses of the culture of the populations are places where the inhabitants and visitors can soak up the popular culture and the idiosyncrasies of the area, with this route you can know some of those found in the Canarian archipelago.

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