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Places of interest near of Calle Ricardo Melchior Booth

Have been found 50
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265 m
Places of interest
1. Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Rosario
Places of Worship
2 km
Places of interest
2. Ermita Nª Sª de Lourdes
Places of Worship
3 km
Places of interest
3. Iglesia Nuestra Señora del Socorro
Places of Worship
3 km
Places of interest
4. Iglesia de Guamasa
Places of Worship
4 km
Places of interest
5. Ermita Nuestra Señora del Carmen
Places of Worship
4 km
Places of interest
6. Iglesia de San Bartolomé, en Tejina
Places of Worship
Historical buildings
The Church of San Bartolomé de Tejina, located in Tejina, in the municipality of San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Tenerife island (Canary Islands, Spain) is a temple of three naves separated by arches cut in stonework on Tuscan pillars of square section, highlighting the robust half-point toral arch that separates the main nave from the presbytery, raised on steps, like the main chapel.

The coffered ceilings that cover the three naves are of pair and knuckle, without decoration, except in the double braces with light decoration of lacería that reinforce the walls. The three chapels of the headboard have coffered ceilings with lacería decoration in the almizate.

On the outside, the main facade shows a certain asymmetry with the body of the bulrush in stonework separating the central nave of the Epistle, with a double arch of half a point for bells.

The main cover in stonework rises on a curved staircase, while on the sides an oculus stands out, and on the opposite side the volume of the tower, with three bodies, topped by a sharp spire. The exterior walls of masonry have prominences in ashlar masonry translating externally the chapels and the corners of the temple, opening several semi-circular windows and small windows that are rhythmically distributed on the walls. On the side of the Epistle a second cover presents a semicircular arch finished off by a triangular pediment.

The ships have independent roofs of Arab tile to two waters, whereas the respective chapels show three skirts (the lateral ones) and four the greater one, to greater height.
4 km
Places of interest
7. Iglesia Nuestra Señora de la Luz
Places of Worship
4 km
Places of interest
8. El Calvario de Tacoronte
Places of Worship

A prominent place and of which the inhabitants of Tacoronte feel proud is El Calvario. This monument is part of the Alhóndiga and the fountain, work of Marible Sánchez Bonilla. El Calvario is located on the street of the same name and the beginning of Calle la Herrería, located on a triangular island surrounded by pine trees that may be vestiges of the limit of the old forest of descended from the high part of Tacoronte.

The niche of Calvary is glazed and inside you can see a set of images such as San Juan, La Magdalena and the Painful. The author of these works is not known for sure, but it is believed that some local artist made them in the 17th century because the documentary sources that speak of this place date from 1674. On the other hand, the Christ is a more modern image that was Donated

El Calvario serves as a meeting and return point in the different processions that take place in Tacoronte throughout the year although the key dates are the Holy Week and the Romería de San Isidro.

4 km
Places of interest
9. Iglesia del Cristo
Places of Worship
Historical buildings

The Ex-Convent of San Agustín and Sanctuary of the Santísimo Christ of the Dolores and Agony of Tacoronte, located in the municipal term of Tacoronte, island of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain), is formed by a series of constructions that constitute an apple perfectly defined and the buildings that are located around the front plaza, by which the old convent and temple have the main entrance. It currently houses the House of Culture.
This block that houses the convent complex and other buildings of interest, faces public spaces on its four facades; bordering the river with the general road that connects Tacoronte with Valle de Guerra, on the west with Plaza del Cristo, on the north with Calle del Cristo and on the south with a new pedestrian street.

4 km
Places of interest
10. Iglesia El Portezuelo
Places of Worship