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Public services near of Calle Ricardo Melchior Booth

Have been found 6
of type
4 km
Public services
1. Ayuntamiento de Tacoronte
City councils
5 km
Public services
2. Ayuntamiento de Tegueste
City councils
6 km
Public services
3. Ayuntamiento de El Sauzal
City councils
8 km
Public services
4. Ayuntamiento de El Rosario
City councils
8 km
Public services
5. Ayuntamiento de San Cristobal de La Laguna
City councils

In one of the busiest places of San Cristóbal de la Laguna, the Plaza del Adelantado, is the town hall of the city. The building was promoted by Alonso Fernández of Lugo after the island was conquered, the first objective that the construction had was to house the headquarters of the council of Tenerife.

The Town Hall of San Cristóbal de la Laguna began to be built in 1540 and has had numerous modifications until it is the building that is known today.

Undoubtedly the façade of the town hall is the first thing that will attract attention, a façade made of stone from Tegueste and topped with a shield of the city made of marble that was restored in 1822 .

Inside you can still see the banner that Fernández de Lugo carried when you arrived at the island of Tenerife.

10 km
Public services
6. Ayuntamiento de La Matanza de Acentejo
City councils