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La Guancha

Located to the northeast of the island of Tenerife, the Guancha is a quiet town that is located along the slopes of the Teide, towards the sea, placed between its National Park, the Forest Crown, and the Tips and Guindaste.

Its oldest construction is the Hermitage of Santa Catalina, from the beginning of the XVI century, although also from the same century, but from the end, it is that of the Iglesia Matriz del Sweet Name of Jesus, The churches of Santo Domingo and Our Lady of Coromoto are also noteworthy, although more modern.


Places of interest

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Explore La Guancha

1 route proposal in La Guancha

Route by San Cristóbal de la Laguna, Tenerife, Garachico and more
Piscinas naturales en Canarias
708 km

The Atlantic leaves frequent lagoons in the Canarian coast forming authentic natural pools, ideal to bathe in calm waters next to a generally rough sea. These are the main natural pools that are scattered around the Canary Islands.

1Events near La Guancha
