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Cueva del Viento

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Interesting place en Icod de los Vinos (Zone)

Cueva del Viento

About Cueva del Viento

The Cave of the Wind, located in the municipality of Icod de los Vinos, is the largest volcanic tube in Europe and the fifth in the world after the four that is on the island of Hawaii in the United States. The Cueva del Viento has a length of 17 kilometers and inside you can find many underground passages.

The Cueva del Viento arises from the washes that expelled the Pico Viejo, a volcanic cone that is located next to the Teide . A volcanic tunnel is a cavity that is formed by the flow of lava and come into contact with the air, the surface solidifies creating an insulator and continuous flow of lava inside until it empties into these galleries hollow

The route of the Cueva del Viento starts from the visitors' center, along the route you can see information panels about the formation of the Cueva del Viento and the fauna, that although of surprising form, they inhabit in the galleries.

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6 routes close to Cueva del Viento

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