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6 km
Places of interest
1. Faro de Bajamar
6 km
Places of interest
2. Ermita de San Diego
Places of Worship
The Hermitage and Ex-convent of San Diego del Monte is a hermitage and former Franciscan convent that is located outside the city of San Cristobal de La Laguna (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain). The hermitage is famous for celebrating the popular San Diego Fugue.
6 km
Places of interest
3. Monumento al Donante
Art centers
Sculptures and monuments
7 km
Places of interest
4. Iglesia de San Lázaro
Places of Worship
Historical buildings
The Parochial Church of San Lázaro, is a catholic temple located in the municipal term of San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Tenerife, Canary, Spain). The Church of San Lázaro takes the name of Lázaro de Betania, a New Testament character who is risen from the dead by Jesus.
7 km
Places of interest
5. Ermita de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles
Places of Worship

Between the 15th and 16th centuries, once the island of Tenerife had been conquered and its lands distributed Adelantado Alfonso Fernández de Lugo established in what is now the municipality of El Sauzal the place of residence of both him and his family. The climate and the existence of springs of fresh water were the main reasons for which it was decided for its election, thus the population nucleus of El Sauzal was founded.

In 1505 one of the first constructions was the Hermitage of Our Lady of the Angels, concretely it is the third oldest ecclesiastical building of Tenerife, and located in the area of greatest population settlement at that time. This point had an interesting development thanks to the fertile lands, the kindness of the climate and the ease to obtain water.

The Hermitage of Our Lady of Los Angeles is characterized by its simple construction and whitewashed on the outside, it is composed of a single nave, with white walls and covered by wooden roof four waters, the interior of the temple has a main altar where the image of the Virgin of Los Angeles stands out.

7 km
Places of interest
6. Iglesia de San Benito Abad
Places of Worship
Historical buildings
The Church of San Benito Abad located in the municipality of San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Tenerife island (Canary Islands, Spain) is located on Marqués de Celada street, the construction works date back to the mid-sixteenth century characterized by their wide dimensions and its plant rectangular trend. The Pilgrimage of San Benito Abad departs every year from this church.
7 km
Places of interest
7. Safari Kudu
In the 70s a zoo that received the name of Safari Kudo was opened in La Laguna, specifically it was opened between 1977 and 1978. It is not known with certainty but it is He thinks he was a wealthy German citizen who wanted to fulfill his dream of having a zoo with the most exotic animals.

The problem could have come when the animals that arrived from Africa and did not adapt to the temperatures reached in La Laguna, falling by below 10 degrees, although it is not known if that was the real reason.
7 km
Places of interest
8. Ruta del mirador de las Breñas
7 km
Places of interest
9. Monumento Conmemorativo Internacional 27 de marzo de 1977
Sculptures and monuments
The International Memorial of March 27, 1977 was erected in memory of the 583 victims of the 1977 Los Rodeos air accident. It is located in the Mesa Mota park on the outskirts of the city of San Cristobal de La Laguna on the island of Tenerife. (Canary islands spain).
On March 27, 2007 the monument was inaugurated in the mount of Mesa Mota from which spectacular views of the Los Rodeos airport can be seen and even on clear days the silhouette of Teide can be appreciated. The monument has the shape of a spiral staircase, with some steps that connect the earth and the sky, a symbol of the path that we would all like to take when our time comes. It is an 18-meter high structure that was designed by the Dutch artist Rudi van de Wint. During his inauguration, many relatives of those who died in the tragic accident attended.
7 km
Places of interest
10. Edificio de Mesa Mota
The Mesa Mota building has been abandoned for more than 10 years and is located in San Cristóbal de La Laguna and is owned by the municipality. Mesa Mota is located near the recreational area of the same name and from it you can have an amazing view of La Vega from La Laguna.

As often happens with this type of abandoned property, it was built without knowing exactly what it was going to be used for although it was rumored that it would be destined for the creation of a research institute on diversity in the Macaronesia. Other uses to which we wanted to allocate Mesa Mota was a residence for athletes or a congress center of the University of La Laguna. None of these projects were carried out and nowadays it is an abandoned place and mercenary of vandals.