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8 km
Places of interest
1. Ermita de la Virgen del Coromoto
Places of Worship
8 km
Places of interest
2. Cruz de Fune
Places of Worship
8 km
Places of interest
3. Parroquia Matriz de Nuestra Señora de La Concepción
Places of Worship
Historical buildings

The Mother Church of Our Lady of the Conception is in the city of San Cristóbal de La Laguna, located concretely between the places of La Concepción and Doctor Olivera. The situation of the temple was determined by the Adelantado Fernández de Lugo in 1496 after the celebration of the Corpus and it was in 1511 when the temple was founded and construction began. The works lasted for more than 30 years until finally it was inaugurated in 1558 although successively the church was enlarged.

The tower had several reforms throughout the centuries in 1577 and 1630 until it was finally finished between 1694 and 1697. Poor quality in both materials and construction means that it was rebuilt in 1738 and later in 1778.

After all the performances that the Church of Our Lady of the Conception received, it was finished with three naves separated by arches of half a point on columns of cylindrical shaft in red tuff and capitals. with varied decoration: gothic baquetones, masks etc.

In 1972 part of the roof collapsed and the restoration was not very successful, and finally it was in the year 2000 when a well-directed intervention allowed a better conservation and a remarkable improvement.

The importance of the temple led to the fact that in 1948 it was declared Artistic Historical Monument, and in 2012 Cultural Asset.

8 km
Places of interest
4. Los Sabandenos
Sculptures and monuments
Historical buildings
8 km
Places of interest
5. Iglesia Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza
Places of Worship

The Church of Our Lady of Hope is a declared space Good of Cultural Interest. It is a neocolonial building that houses the religious images of Nuestra Señora de Los Dolores and a San Juan, both from the 17th century.

8 km
Places of interest
6. Laura de la Puerta de Cabrera
Sculptures and monuments
8 km
Places of interest
7. Conjunto Histórico de la Ciudad de San Cristóbal de La Laguna

The Historic Site of the City of San Cristóbal de La Laguna is one of the prides of the island of Tenerife. Such is the importance, the beauty and the value of the Historic Site that since 1999 has been declared Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO .

Among the main reasons that gave the city this award is that it is the first model of an unfortified colonial city that was erected as a model of a city implanted by the Spaniards in the American colonies.

When it was founded, an ideal city project was started that has already been defined by the Greek philosopher Plato and the new humanism of the Renaissance. La Laguna was built following the geometrical pattern of a rose of the winds, is ordered from the center, from where 8 departures in circular perimeter. Outside chapels that veiled the city thus making an allegory of the protective gods of Plato. The streets of San Cristóbal de La Laguna are autonomous elements that are organized in different directions of the urban plot.

Among the multitude of monuments that are part of the Historical Complex of San Cristóbal de La Laguna is: the Santa Catalina Convent, Monasterio of Santa Clara (also known as Convent of San Juan Bautista), Old Convent of Santa Domingo, Royal Sanctuary of Christ, House of the General Captains, Nava Palace, Palacio de Salazar, Casa del Blessed Father Anchieta, Cemetery of San Juan, Cathedral of La Laguna, etc.

Also historical places such as Casa Borges-Estévanez, archaeological sites such as La Barranquera and Barranco de Agua de Dios, as well as other buildings of historical-artistic interest such as the Teatro Leal, Casa Ossuna, City Hall, Casa del Corregidor or the Casa de La Alhóndiga

La Laguna is a city that perfectly combines tradition and avant-garde and is one of the pearls not only of the island of Tenerife, but also of all the Canarian archipelago.

8 km
Places of interest
8. Blas Cabrera Felipe
Sculptures and monuments
8 km
Places of interest
9. José Martí
Sculptures and monuments
8 km
Places of interest
10. Antiguo Convento de San Agustín
Historical buildings