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9 km
Places of interest
1. Ermita de las Rosas
Places of Worship
9 km
Places of interest
2. La Crucita
Places of Worship
9 km
Places of interest
3. mirador de las lajas
9 km
Places of interest
4. Iglesia El Salvador
Places of Worship

The Church or Parish of El Salvador is located in the municipality of La Matanza de Acentejo in the northern part of the island of Tenerife . The temple is of recent construction, of the twentieth century and has received several reforms, perhaps the most important came after in 1936 a group of anarchists set fire to the church. After this incident the church was razed and the current one was built on the ruins of the previous one. It was named parish in 1965 by the bishop Antonio Carroneiro.

Although the temple was rebuilt, it is more than 400 years old, almost more than the town of La Matanza since the church was first built and then the municipality was built, back in 1615.

The most outstanding image that can be found in the facilities is the size of El Salvador, San José and Virgen del Rosario made by Mariano Benllure.

9 km
Places of interest
5. Torre del Conde en Punta del Hidalgo
The Tower of the Count of Punta del Hidalgo is a replica of that of San Sebastián de la Gomera that a private built in the mid-twentieth century and later donated to the local council.
9 km
Places of interest
6. Faro de Punta del Hidalgo
9 km
Places of interest
7. San Miguel Arcángel
Places of Worship
9 km
Places of interest
8. Mirador de la Vica

Located in the Matanza de Acentejo, the La Vica viewpoint is a very interesting place to have a breathtaking view of the Atlantic ocean and the Teide. Adjacent to this look there are also trails routes, so you can access it on foot or by car.

9 km
Places of interest
9. Ermita de San Diego
Places of Worship
10 km
Places of interest
10. Mirador del Escobón