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Route por Tenerife


119 km

Interesting place en Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Parque Rural de Anaga

Located in the northern part of Tenerife is one of the most incredible and spectacular natural sites on the island. Undoubtedly The Parque Rural de Anaga is a space where visitors will arrive and they will not know if they are really on the island. Specifically the Parque Rural de

Interesting place en Santa Cruz de Tenerife
El Semáforo

Located in Anaga, in a place known as Atalaya cliff, adjacent to the Igueste de San Andrés within the municipality of Santa Cruz de Tenerife is the Anaga traffic light.

What receives this peculiar name is

Interesting place en Tegueste
Edificio de Mesa Mota
The Mesa Mota building has been abandoned for more than 10 years and is located in San Cristóbal de La Laguna and is owned by the municipality. Mesa Mota is located near the recreational area of the same name and from it you can have an
Interesting place en Tenerife
Bunker de El Pulpito

In an area close to Los Rodeos, where the Tenerife North Airport is located, there is an abandoned bunker that was built under the threat of a

Interesting place en San Cristóbal de la Laguna
Safari Kudu
In the 70s a zoo that received the name of Safari Kudo was opened in La Laguna, specifically it was opened between 1977 and 1978. It is not known
Interesting place en El Rosario
Casa de los Mesa

Formerly known as the Casa del Pirata or Casa del Rosario. It passed to the ownership of the González de Mesa y Rodríguez family, from whom it

Interesting place en Tacoronte
Castillo de Mesa del Mar

On the coast of Tacoronte, past the tunnel of the Mesa del Mar and when you can not continue on foot you will find the one known as Castillo del

Interesting place en La Matanza de Acentejo
El Esqueleto

Already part of the daily life of the inhabitants of Matanza de Acentejo, a rickety construction, without walls, whose structure is that, the

Interesting place en Santa Úrsula
Nido de Ametralladoras de Santa Úrsula

During the second World Cup, a series of bunkers were ordered to house weapons and Tenerife could defend itself against a hypothetical attack from

Interesting place en Los Realejos
La Gordejuela

La Gordejuela is an old water lift, a hydraulic pumping station that is currently in ruins, but it is still a picturesque place, which is the end

Interesting place en Los Realejos
Mirador de San Pedro

In the town of Los Realejos is one of the most visited viewpoints in the area, it is called Mirador de San Pedro. Located in the northwest of the

Interesting place en Güímar
Pirámides de Güímar
The Ethnographic Park Pirámides de Güímar, nominated for the European Museum of the Year Award 2017, is a large open-air museum that gathers
Interesting place en Arico
Sanatorio de Abona

In Abades, in the southern part of the island of Tenerife, Abona find an old abandoned building that is known as Abades Leprosy, also or with the

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